25 May 2010

SPARC poster

The poster for SPARC has been sent for printing. The four little circles at the bottom are hopefully above where the buttons are on the sound playback card. I say "hopefully" as it hasn't arrived yet. I subsequently had to map their position using a little jpeg of it that I scaled up to what were listed as its dimensions.

I also decided not to label the buttons on the poster just in case disaster strikes and the audio device gets lost in the post. I can add some stickers to it later.

22 May 2010

Warp20 Chosen artwork

It's a bit late for adding inspirational images, but I've just been looking at the artwork that was created for the releases celebrating the 20th anniversary of Warp Records. The above cover from the series particularly captures far more successfully what I was trying to achieve when I created the image found on this link. It's that ominous, awkward quality that I think makes it a perfect metaphor for the existence of sound within an environment.

Anyway, while this is being added after completing the negototiated project, it's worth noting as my dissertation will be investigating design for music.

Album available from the following link: Warp20 (Chosen)

18 May 2010

Hand-in and presentation

I reached the end of this project today with a presentation and hand-in. I was satisfied with the deliverables (apart from how rubbish my wonky boards looked next to those slick ones submitted by Nicky, Dave and Amy) but I could have fine-tuned the Powerpoint quite a lot were there more time. Still, it's over.

Except it isn't really. I now have to rework the presentation for the Bigger Than Words conference in July. For that I'll be wanting to take out a lot of the content that was intrinsic to the work's development as part of my MA and elaborate further on the theoretical stuff that informed my design decisions. Before this, I also need to rework everything into a research poster to be exhibited at SPARC. I've got a recordable card on order for the latter. This will be embedded into the graphic and will make the poster more interactive. That's needed for the second week in June by the way.

16 May 2010

Powerpoint slides

Even I'm getting a bit bored of this now.

"Remix" CD

15 May 2010

Presentation board #6

That's the last one. Phew.

Presentation board #5


Again, some very nice feedback from Central Station after those lovely (and largely Glasgow-based) people showcased some of the Sshhh work again.

14 May 2010

Presentation board #4

Presentation board #3

Some old text versions

I'm just going through a pile of old files to get together everything relating to the process for this project. Perhaps some of it will be useful for the Powerpoint. Anyway, I found these old text interpretations which were attempting to disrupt the type with treatments influenced by the production of noise.

13 May 2010

Another presentation board

Only the other four to complete now.

10 May 2010

Presentation boards

It's that time again: I'm now busy trying to put the key parts of this project on A3 presentation boards ahead of next week's hand-in. [I'm using a grid from an old IBM catalogue as the basis for this layout. It is also the closest I've come to emulating the two colour printing that I mentioned way back in January.]

In other news, the overprinted CDs haven't arrived yet. Plus I need to complete the book tomorrow night so that I can photograph it and use the images on the presentation boards and Powerpoint.

08 May 2010

Reworked library recordings

Above is the reworked version of the library noise. I also used the 3D Max output to cobble together some visual accompaniment.

07 May 2010

Report books

The report books arrived. There are a few very annoying formatting mistakes here and there: some double line spacing and the odd section has been justified incorrectly.

They're also much thinner than I imagined.

Very thin when considering how much time they took to write.

05 May 2010

More 3D renders

I'm thinking of incorporating these images within the print product.

