17 February 2010

First group tutorial

Today was our first group tutorial of the semester with Tash. I'm already seeing some potential overlaps between the kind of areas we will individually be researching. Plus I'm once again inspired by the rest of the group's projects.

Anyway, the key thing today was in deciding to put the 'book design' aspect on the back burner for a while. It's certainly something that I'm interested in and it may very well inform the aesthetic choices I make later on, but - for now, at least - I need to concentrate on the first stage of my research which will be looking at existing ways of visualizing sound. I've now got together a long list of chapters (which can be edited down) and I really want to get this part of the project completed fully before I move on. I'll also be doing some documenting of individual libraries but I won't quite know what I'm doing with the material until I figure out what potential there is in representing it.

Tomorrow morning I'll be mentoring: doing some individual tutorials with design studies undergraduates (which I hope will also prove inspiring). Then I'll be back in the library. Given the amount of reading up I still have to do, it's probably for the best that this project is based around libraries.

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