Before embarking on this project I wasn't aware of Oskar Fischinger. However his name has repeatedly been referenced in the material I've viewed and suddenly I'm aware of what an influential figure he is. There's a good feature on him at http://www.tate.org.uk which explains his background and approach to the synthesis between sound and vision.
Throughout this project I've been switched on to a lot of other atists, animators, directors, designers and musicians working within this field. The Whitney brothers are another example of seminal figures responsible for combining noise and image that I similarly hadn't encountered previously. That's a bit worrying really: starting this without knowing the Whitneys and Fischinger feels like I've elected to study cubism without any prior knowledge of Braque and Picasso. And I've become aware that there's still so much more out there that I'm yet to see. With such a wealth of inspirational material I feel like I'm only just scratching the surface.
Oskar Fischinger - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (created for Disney's Fantasia) (1940)
John Whitney - Permutations (1966)
James Whitney - Yantra (1957)
John Whitney - Catalog (1961)
Harry Smith - Circular Tensions: Homage to Oskar Fischinger (1950)
Hans Richter - Rhythm 23 (1923)
Viking Eggeling - Symphonie Diagonale (1921)
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